The Handy Pillow Lifter has a powerful mechanism which sits the user up in bed without requiring help.
This simple but effective aid removes the need for assistance from a carer.
At the touch of a button, the air filled pillow raises the individual's upper body, leaving them in a seated position.
Providing superb support for the back, the Handy Pillow Lifter uses air pressure by means of a Airflow power source.
It is operated via a hand-held device which has simple controls.
The Handy Pillow Lifter is an inflatable backrest which is ideal for those with mobility difficulties who might otherwise need a carer in order to sit upright in bed.
It is both supportive, comfortable and suitable for use on any commonly found size of bed.
The mechanism is quiet and smooth and there are no fixtures and fittings.
It is supplied with an integral anti-slip pillow holder and the whole device rolls up for easy transportation.
Width inflated: 610mm (24 inches).
Width deflated: 710mm (28 inches).
Length deflated: 800mm (3 1/2 inches).
Backrest angle: 55 degrees.
Overall weight: 2kg (1/4 stone).
Max safe user weight: 135kg (21 stone).