Archive: May 2020
22 May 2020
How a Wheeled Walker Benefits Your Mobility
Using a mobile support frame can have significant practical benefits for people who struggle to walk unaided. Walking frames with wheels, often referrSally Madeley-Carr, OT -
16 May 2020
Why Seating in Showers and Baths Helps Many People
One of the simplest yet most effective disability aids for the bathroom is seating equipment for the shower or the bath itself. Being able to stand upSally Madeley-Carr, OT -
12 May 2020
Guide to Maintaining Wheelchairs and Wheelchair Ramps
Wheelchairs need to be consistently maintained if they're to last and remain safe to use. If it is being used on a weekly or daily basis, it'sSally Madeley-Carr, OT -
07 May 2020
Essential Aids for the Elderly - Incontinence Care at Home
Essential Aids has a fantastic range of incontinence care products, packed with items to provide the user with confidence, dignity and hygiene. Our wiSally Madeley-Carr, OT